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Belen Harvey House Museum
A Branch of the Belen Public Library
This web page is sponsored by the Friends of the Belen Harvey House Museum
Call us for more details
The Museum is open Wednesday through Saturday
from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm
the last entry to the Museum is 4:00 PM
Our Cafe is open Thursday through Saturday
12:00 noon to 3:00 PM.
Take a video tour of the museum!

Pearl in college, wearing a dress she made.

Lt. Harvey J. Golightly, Pearl and their first daughter.
Pearl the young tennis player
Click to read Pearl's note.
Pearl at the University of New Mexico.

Pearl on the left and her daughter on the right.

Pearl in 1965

Augusta Gruse Hayerford

Augusta Gruse Hayerford
Pearl's Mother

Fred Scholle Building

Fred Scholle

Carl Dalies on the left, Carl Huning left in tree.

John Becker in his thirties.
John Becker's Store around 1900

When the Little Girl With Camera exhibit first opened at the Belen Harvey House Museum, Pearl's granddaughter, Gayle Hines Naile, donated Pearl's camera to the Museum.
This is the original camera.

Click on Pearl's postcard pictures to enlarge.

Main and Becker Ave. looking East "Heart of Belen"
Click on the fronts and backs of
Pearl's postcard pictures to enlarge.

Looking South on Main Street 1900
Main Street Looking East

Click to see today's current view.
Pearl's Camera

Coronado Avenue , Looking West
Main Street Looking South

Click to see today's current view.

Click to see today's current view.

Catholic Church
Old Public School
Click on the fronts and backs of
Pearl's postcard pictures to enlarge.
Click on the fronts and backs of
Pearl's postcard pictures to enlarge.
Click to see today's current view.

Click for larger view.

Click on the fronts and backs of
Pearl's postcard pictures to enlarge.

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